Co-Creating Innovative Solutions
Improve Access To Quality Education For All
Empowered women contribute to
stable families and inclusive growth
We leverage on innovation and
entrepreneurship to alleviate extreme poverty

Who We Are

Centre for Enterprise Development and Innovation (CEDI) is a non-profit organization leveraging the power of entrepreneurship and innovation to alleviate extreme poverty in Kenya. We work in 4 of the 8 regions of Kenya, supporting children, women and young people with tailored solutions to access quality education, strengthen livelihoods and find solutions out of their local challenges. We co-create locally-relevant solutions with entrepreneurs and communities to strengthen livelihoods and resilience.

Thematic Areas

Enterprise Development

CEDI in collaboration with experts from various fields, seasoned trainers and experienced entrepreneurs, offers several business development services targeting youth and women led Micro Small and Medium Enterprises. These include entrepreneurship and business plan development, business coaching and mentorship, tax consultancy and training, feasibility studies, linkages to financial services and markets.

Education Program

Development of childhood and Youth interventions In the community, private and public primary schools, senior schools and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions. Initiatives include imparting financial capability and entrepreneurial skills, and promotion of inclusive Education and Child safeguarding

Climate Change Resilience

The negative effects of Climate change will disproportionately be felt more by developing countries such as Kenya and their poor populations living in rural unconnected locations, we work to consistently address the climate change challenges within our programs. With the help of our partners, we channel resources to innovative interventions that have the highest potential of adapting to and mitigating climate change in the communities we serve. Our interventions have included working with MSMEs on the promotion of green enterprises and technologies, working with smallholder farmers to promote the adaptation of climate-friendly farming practices, and working with the community and public learning institutions to expand tree planting initiatives.


Advocacy is a cross cutting theme across all the CEDI programs. We champion the adoption of pro-sustainable livelihoods policies at national, county and community levels.

Livelihoods Support

Promote the achievement of sustainable Livelihoods through capacity building & Vocational skills, and mentorship programmes Targeting the youth and women amongst Marginalized communities.
